Pete Wargent blogspot


'Must-read, must-follow, one of the best analysts in Australia' - Stephen Koukoulas, ex-Senior Economics Adviser to Prime Minister Gillard.

'One of Australia's brightest financial minds, must-follow for accurate & in-depth analysis' - David Scutt, Markets & Economics Editor, Sydney Morning Herald.

'I've been investing 40 years & still learn new concepts from Pete; one of the best commentators...and not just a theorist!' - Michael Yardney, Amazon #1 bestseller.

Thursday 8 June 2023

Why aren't more people selling? With Cameron Kusher from REA

Aus Property Podcast

I got the man who knows about this stuff to explain why more people aren't selling property, why markets are so tight, and whether this will change.

Cameron Kusher from REA Group joined me on the podcast here:

You can watch the video version on YouTube here: