Pete Wargent blogspot


'Must-read, must-follow, one of the best analysts in Australia' - Stephen Koukoulas, ex-Senior Economics Adviser to Prime Minister Gillard.

'One of Australia's brightest financial minds, must-follow for accurate & in-depth analysis' - David Scutt, Markets & Economics Editor, Sydney Morning Herald.

'I've been investing 40 years & still learn new concepts from Pete; one of the best commentators...and not just a theorist!' - Michael Yardney, Amazon #1 bestseller.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Podcast mini-series: Why Property? (Episode 5, and book launch day)

Construction insolvency #2,321

Another day, another construction insolvency.

This time it was veteran building firm Stevens Construction which went into administration, leading to 10 projects across New South Wales being halted and all employees made redundant.

Book launch day!

In other news, it's book launch day for us!

Join Catherine and I as we discuss the merits and downsides of real estate as an asset class, in episode 5 of our Buy Right podcast mini-series.

Tune in here (or click on the image below):

You can buy our book here (or in all good bookstores from today, including at airport stores).