Thursday 14 December 2023

Population growth at record high +624,100 in FY2023

Record population growth

Annual population growth in Australia ran at a record +624,100 in the 2023 financial year, or +2.4 per cent. 

Source: ABS

Internally and within Australia, recent times have largely been about a return to capital city dominance.

The 2020 and 2021 net interstate migration surge out of Victoria has ended now, and may even prove to be reversing a little. 

Queensland (+32,250) and Western Australia (+11,650) continued to attract the most net interstate migrants over the course of the financial year.

In terms of the fastest rate of growth, Western Australia led the way with a thumping +3.1 per cent full-on population boom across the financial year, in a distant echo of the resources construction boom years. 

Year-on-year population growth was also extremely high in Victoria (+181,800), New South Wales (+172,600), and Queensland (+138,500). 

The estimated growth in the resident population has slowed slightly - if slowed is the right word - to around 1,728 per day, suggesting that the estimated resident population will be around 26,950,000 by the end of the year. 

That's a little bit lower than previous estimates, but essentially back on the pre-pandemic trend. 

Of course, population growth of +624,100 is still a huge number, and it makes the Treasury estimates for net overseas migration declining to +375,000 in FY2024 seem a, optimistic. 

In the meanwhile, red hot population growth continues. 


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