Thursday 23 November 2023

Fresh Economic Thinking with Dr. Cameron Murray

Fresh Economic Thinking

I was delighted to join Dr. Cameron Murray at his Fresh Economic Thinking podcast to take a look at the purported housing crisis and some possible solutions.

Tune in here (or click on the image below):

Listening back to this and playing devil's advocate, I'd say these are decent high-level ideas, but in practice how best would they be fleshed out?

At the risk of looking like an Antipodes-based Dominic Cummings, I've added a few shorthand notes below.

Firstly, on the problem, and a possible solution - being a commitment to investment in the regional renaissance:

Secondly, on how a Mittelstand economy may work in practice, and how governments can assist the process...

On immigration, education, and productivity, as well as the rezoning debate...

And, on the rental market crisis...

Could probably speak for at least as long again on these issues, but it was a great opportunity to sound out some ideas. 


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