Tuesday 14 November 2023

Chinese buyers return (The Australian, Money Puzzle podcast)

The Australian Podcast

I joined James Kirby on The Australian's Money Puzzle podcast, where we discussed the return of Chinese buyers, APRA's lending assessment buffer, mortgage stress and delinquencies, mortgage insurance, bonus savings accounts, and more.

Discussed this time around:

-Chinese capital is back in Aussie property with a vengeance

-Higher interest rates and more regulation are causing investors to leave the market, on a net basis

-Most homeowners are hanging on, and mortgage delinquencies remain relatively low for now

-Bonus savings accounts are a nightmare, and may yet need a further look from the ACCC 

-What next for inflation targeting?

-Lenders mortgage insurance...is it a rort?

-APRA's lending assessment buffer is too wide, is shutting borrowers out of the market, and is contributing to the record rental crisis

-And more...

The below article is paywalled, but you can also tune in at Apple Podcasts here

Tune in here (or click on the image below):

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