Wednesday 24 March 2021

Time to refinance

The value of independent advice

At we do things a little differently from industry norms. 

We spend a good deal of time and detailed market research to help property buyers ensure they are appropriately qualified and as well positioned as possible to buy, and then to make the best-informed buying decision they can.

And then we engage our best and most appropriate buyer's agent solely to execute on the purchase (i.e. to focus what they do best, which is buying property). 

We're totally independent and have no vested interest in whether some buys in any given state, location, or property type.

Wouldn't all such property advice by independent?

Sadly not.

By way of one simple example, this week we had a client come to us who'd been advised by a buyer's agent to buy an off-the-plan apartment in a massive development in Logan (the buyer's agent's preferred local patch). 

Why on earth would a buyer's agent recommend to someone from Melbourne that they should buy a unit in Logan that hasn't even been built yet?

I can't prove it, of course, but I have a strong hunch. 

Last week we had a Sydney client come to us and his mortgage broker and buyer's agent had advised that he buy an off-the-plan development somewhere south of Melton!

Again, I can provide no solid proof, but I don't believe for one minute this advice was independent or without vested interest.

Regardless of whether these enquiring clients choose to engage our services, a simple independent discussion has steered them away what was, in my opinion at least, poor and conflicted advice.

Caveat emptor.

Time to refinance

On the subject of professional advice, now may well be a good time to speak to a licensed mortgage professional to ensure that you're getting the best deal possible on your home loan. 

As discussed here last week, mortgage rates have been declining, and then some.

Data via CoreLogic:

Source: CoreLogic