Wednesday 24 March 2021

Job ads soar

Vacancies soar

Skilled vacancies jumped by another 12,600 or 7 per cent in February to a total of 192,000 across Australia, according to the Department of Employment's latest figures. 

From a year earlier vacancies were a thumping 25 per cent higher, or 38,100 job advertisements. 

In other words we're pretty much recovering back on to the track of the previous recovery. 

There have been some serious gains from a year ago, notably in New South Wales (+9,700) and Queensland (+9,400), with some large percentage gains around the traps. 

Source: LMIP

Strong results all round. 

Looking at my chart packs over a longer timeframe, though, it looks as though Queensland and Western Australia have been two major beneficiaries from the shift of the past year. 

New South Wales and Victoria have largely recovered, but we clearly more impacted by slower or zero immigration over the past year. 

Canberra and Adelaide barely felt a ripple, and have improved all along.