Wednesday 26 June 2024

Podcast mini-series: How to build a powerhouse property portfolio (Episode 10)

Monthly inflation

After a quiet start to the week, Wednesday morning will see the release of the latest monthly inflation data in Australia. 

The monthly inflation figures don't cover the full basket of goods and services, but serve as a handy indicator for where quarterly inflation might be heading.

Inflation is set to be negative in May, however a significant -0.4 per cent drop in May 2023 is also due to drop off the annual figures, meaning that over the year inflation will likely tick up to 3.8 per cent.

Partly thanks to a range of cost of living and energy subsidies as well as lower fuel prices, headline inflation is likely to under 3 per cent later in 2024, though there's a decent chance we end of going back above 3 per cent next year as the subsidies roll off again. 

Buy Right Book

In Episode 10 of our podcast mini-series, Cate and I discussed how to build a powerhouse property portfolio.

Tune in here (or click on the image below):

Don't forget to buy your copy of our new book here or here, or in any good bookstore or airport store, and send us your pics when you have a copy in you hands. 


P.S. Whenever you’re ready…here are 5 ways I can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:

  1. Boom or Bust – 20 minute online workshop for investors

Register for my next free online training - Boom or Bust? How to change your investment plan - book in here

You also download a free copy of my e-book The Only 6 Ways to Become Wealthy here.

    2. Download our property buying guide

Download our free property buying guide here

You can also check out a few of our recent property investment purchases here

Get in contact with us today if strategic property investment is your thing. 

    3. Subscribe to our Top 10 Podcasts for Investors

Listen in to our podcasts

The Australian Property Podcast is rapidly becoming one of Australia's biggest business podcasts, now with well over 50,000 audio downloads per month, and growing fast.

And our popular Low Rates High Returns Show also remains available on Spotify.

    4. Subscribe for my free daily blog

Subscribe for my free daily blog with some 3.7 million hits here

You can also catch up with me daily on Twitter here, where I'm active daily and have over 14,200 followers. 

By the way, I'm a 7-times published author on finance and investing, so you can check out some of my books here.

My new book, co-authored with Cate Bakos is available to pre-order here or on Amazon here - follow our book release and forthcoming release on Facebook here and at our Buy Right podcast series here

5. Work with me privately

For a limited time you can book in a free diagnosis call with me here, so book in a call today.