Monday 5 February 2024

Distressed listings on the rise; another developer giant goes down

Listings tight

SQM reported the latest listings numbers for January.

There's more stock for sale in Canberra and Hobart, but overall listings remain low.

Total listings fell -5.7 per cent in January, which is not that unusual for the time of year, of course.

Sydney remains fairly tight, with only around 25,000 listings, while Adelaide - and especially Brisbane and Perth - are now very tight markets. 

For some historical context, listings were around 50 per cent higher a decade ago, and were at nearly 380,000 in 2012 (which proved to be a good time to buy property). 

Source: SQM Research

SQM did report an increase in distressed listings in January, as higher mortgage rates bite.

But overall, there's a shortage of housing, and a shortage of properties for sale in 4 of the 8 capital city markets.

Construction collapse continues

Another building giant went down today, with the Sydney-based St Hilliers group calling in the administrators and calling a halt to work on its 20 ongoing projects, while there's $240 million of work licensed under the Queenslander Building & Construction Commission now thrown into doubt. 

Like many developers the group had reported ongoing losses, due to high materials and trades costs, driven largely by supply-chain disruptions.

Insolvencies across the sector are up by more than 50 per cent from a year ago, and a combination of the higher cash rate and very tight mortgage lending regulations mean that there are almost certainly many more in the post. 


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