Tuesday 31 October 2023

Stock shortage driving prices higher

Investor exit

Housing credit growth was steady at 0.36 per cent in September, roughly in line with the same as we've seen all year. 

Similarly, investor credit growth remained very anemic at 0.25 per cent, essentially the same as we've seen throughout 2023.

There's little respite ahead for the rental market, then, as on a net basis more investors are still leaving the market than entering it, sending rental vacancies to all-time lows. 

The housing price rebound has also far outpaced what might've been expected, due to the chronic shortage of stock across most of the capital cities. 

For example, we've been seeing units in Brisbane selling quickly, and at rising prices of late. 

Overall, credit growth was solid in the month, but the annual growth continued to ease back to 25-month lows at 4.9 per cent. 

The wrap

There's been a surprisingly sharp rebound in housing prices - and an even sharper rebound in rents - but this hasn't much been driven by housing credit growth, which has been flat all year.

Instead, the capital cities are facing a significant shortage of dwellings, a dynamic which looks set to worsen, particularly given the threat of further interest rate increases.

Economists forecast a 7 per cent increase in housing prices across FY2024 - don't forget, though, that prices have already moved some way higher over the first 4 months of the financial year.  

The AFR reported that Commonwealth Bank's loan book shrank for three consecutive months for the first time in decades, suggesting that there will be some jostling for market share in 2024. 


In other news, CoreLogic reported new record low vacancy rates across the capital cities, despite the relatively soft rental markets in Canberra, Darwin, and Hobart.


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