Sunday 11 October 2020

Second wave less potent

Second wave

Hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 cases continue to sweep across Europe.

But this time around the CFR and IFR are relatively low, even allowing for the questionable measurement of 'COVID' deaths in some countries. 

Some groups still remain relatively vulnerable to virus, especially the elderly, although that would naturally be true of the winter months in Europe of the flu or any such illness. 

In Britain it's been calculated that the average age of COVID death in England and Wales since the beginning of the pandemic has been 82.4 years. 

Meanwhile in Sweden - so heavily criticised for its lack of lockdowns - life is almost back to normal, with the economy being allowed to prosper again as folks socialise without fear. 

This should present some peace of mind that in time the threat from this virus will indeed pass. 

Australia recorded another day of zero deaths yesterday, and has two ICU cases remaining, but zero ventilator cases. 

It's wonderful to see the hospital beds empty, a stark contrast to some of the alarming projects being circulated earlier in the year.