Sunday 11 October 2020

Flattening the curve

Curve crushed

Victoria now has zero cases in ICU and zero cases on ventilators, which is great news. 

It's a similar story across the whole of Australia for that matter.


Regional Victoria has four 'active' cases of COVID-19 remaining, all of which are in Kilmore, after a separate case was found to be a false positive. 

Not that this has stopped the endless fearmongering on the nightly news, as the restrictions and lockdowns continue across  Victoria for another week. 

All the while business activity in the state is crushed and further jobs risks being lost. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has now reportedly eased it stance, inferring that lockdowns may not be appropriate or justified due to the collateral damage.

Thankfully Australia's winter is over and is now heading to into its warmest months.

Public sentiment is now shifting in Australia towards it being time to open up the economy and state borders.