Thursday, 4 October 2018

Run for The Hills!

Slow moving inventory

Some excellent Sydney housing market stats from SQM Research.

Total listings didn't record their usual spring surge in September, increasing only by 0.3 per cent.

What gives?

It seems that a market dichotomy has emerged. 

Sydney listings have remained very low on lower north shore, on the northern beaches, and for houses in the eastern suburbs (though apartment listings have increased in the east). 

There's been a bit of an increase in the inner west and in Canterbury-Bankstown, though nothing too significant. 

On the other hand, in the Hills District, in Western Sydney, South Western Sydney, and in Parramatta, there have been significant increases, at least up until August, reflective of the high levels of construction in these sub-regions. 

Source: SQM Research

I figure the well-connected inner suburbs will hold up better than these highly supply-responsive regions given the disruption on the roads - yet further delays to the planned light rail aren't going to help. 

Watch this space.