Thursday 8 June 2017

Tourism records broken in 2016

Record visitors & spend

The number of visitors to Australia surged from 6.86 million in 2015 to a record high of 7.62 million in 2016, according to numbers from Tourism Research Australia. 

Spend in Australia also increased, though not at quite such a frantic pace as last year, up from $24.6 billion to a new high of $26.2 billion.

Once again, Chinese visitors accounted for the bulk of the increase, with total spend rising by 11.5 per cent from $6.2 billion to $6.9 billion.

Partly thanks to the lower dollar has been an enormous surge in the number of international visitors to Sydney (+43 per cent) and Melbourne (+58 per cent) across the past half decade. 

Perth, Brisbane, and the exchange-rate sensitive rest of Queensland have all seen consistently solid increases in visitor numbers over recent years too.

The uplift has not been experienced everywhere, however, with the number of international visitors to Darwin and the rest of the Northern Territory actually falling back over the past five years. 

The other major beneficiary of the tourism boom has been Tasmania, with a massive 59 per cent increase in international visitors over the same five year period.

It's no coincidence, of course, that many Chinese tourists have enjoyed the clean air and produce of Hobart and its surrounds.