Friday 13 January 2023

Commodity prices deflating; tourism rockets back

Imports drop

Imports fell -1.5 per cent in November, with a decline in capital goods volumes and car imports.

Exports also fell, but less so, driving another large trade surplus for Australia of $13.2 billion for the month. 

Commodity exports have been sky-high over the past year, driving total exports of $59 billion over the month, but these figures are now rolling over as gas and coal prices follow iron ore lower. 

Tourism services exports bolted back to $3.9 billion in November, having been under $1.6 billion a year earlier. 

There's still a way to go - tourism exports hit a monthly peak of nearly $6 billion in 2019 - but things are heading in the right direction.

Commodity exports are only going down from here.


The mild winter weather in Europe has continued, and is expected to continue for the next week or so, before a cold snap bites. 

The good news is that wholesale electricity and gas prices have reverted back to normal levels.