Monday 10 October 2022

Job ads falling; rental vacancies hit record low

Job ads drop

Mirroring what SEEK has already reported, online job advertisements fell -5.9 per cent or -17,600 in September.

Recruitment activity fell across all states and territories, according to the National Skills Commission.

Some fairly conclusive evidence is forming now that constraints are falling back into line, with little need for any further monetary policy tightening. 


Catherine Cashmore shared the latest rental market data from CoreLogic, which shows rental vacancy rates falling to the lowest level on record at 1.1 per cent nationally. 

Source: CoreLogic

There's some steadily accumulating evidence of a return to capital cities, with large increases in all-dwelling rents over past quarter in Brisbane (+3.8 per cent), Adelaide (+3.6 per cent), Sydney (+2.9 per cent), Perth (+2.5 per cent), and Melbourne (+2.3 per cent). 

Prospective first homebuyers and investors are still grappling with a huge 300 basis points lending assessment buffer, so the rental squeeze is unlikely to ease any time soon.