Wednesday 12 October 2022

Asking rents up 22pc as supply of rentals gums up

Rents rising

Rental vacancy rates were flat for September, at 0.9 per cent nationally.

While there was an ongoing decline in Sydney vacancies, elsewhere vacancies were mostly flat or up a little over the month, September not typically being a seasonally strong month for the rental market. 

Asking rents increased another 1.4 per cent in the capital cities over the past 30 days, to be 21.8 per cent higher over the year.

The increases were led by Sydney (25.9 per cent) and Brisbane (23.6 per cent), with Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide also recording strong increases. 

The landlord market is constipated at the moment, with interest rates rising, and serviceability assessments too high. 

SQM Research with the full media release here