Friday 13 May 2022

Arrivals filtering back, slowly...

Borders open

Arrivals into Australia increased in April, having declined to almost zero in last year's lockdowns. 

Source: ABS

Preliminary arrivals figures of 575,000 were still absolutely miles below their decade average (in April 2019 there were 1.67 million arrivals into Australia, for example). 

Source: ABS

Arrivals are becoming to filter back from New Zealand, India, the UK, and other key countries in Asia and Europe. 

To date, however, Chinese arrivals have not bounced, mainly due to China's domestic travel restrictions.

This has implications for Australia's Universities, until normal service can be resumed. 

Only 28,000 international students arrived in March, some 60 per cent lower than the 2019 figure. 

A long way to go, but at least international travel is off the lows.