Monday 7 February 2022

Down come the border barriers

Borders to reopen

Well, it's not before time!

Near enough two years after the borders were first closed, finally international tourists and other visa holders will be able to travel to Australia from February 22. 

The Labor government in Western Australia has...well it's still shut, obviously, and businesses are packing their bags and leaving for Sydney, including Wesfarmers and others leading the 'executive exodus'. 

The Federal government has also recently launched an advertising campaign to bring backpackers back to Australia. 

This could see ¼ million or more backpackers and working holiday makers in Australia. 

Arrivals will need to be fully vaccinated. 

Thankfully, hospital numbers for virus cases are in freefall, falling by well over 1,000 over the past week.

The border reopening is likely to have some repercussions for rental markets, which are already tight - in many cases very tight - after several years of extremely tricky borrowing conditions for landlords. 

CoreLogic reported in late January that rents are climbing at the fastest pace in 15 years.