Wednesday 22 December 2021

Skilled vacancies strong; hiring blitz ahead

Vacancies highest since 2008

The Department of Employment released its latest job vacancies figures up to November, and they were still running at high levels, with advertisements increasing to a seasonally adjusted 252,300, to be more than 50 per cent higher than pre-COVID levels.

New South Wales saw vacancies drop 4.5 per cent in November, but there were increases everywhere else. 

Source: LMIP

This poses the question as to what happened in New South Wales in the month.

One possibility is that many roles were filled in a reopening hiring surge. 

Just as likely, the numbers were just normalising from extreme and unprecedented highs in NSW. 

In any case, over 250,000 vacancies is a strong figure indeed, and the highest since 2008.

This suggests that if Australia can hold its nerve and successfully manage a sensible reopening we should be in for a hiring blitz in 2022.