Tuesday 7 December 2021

Listings fell in November, but not here...

Listings tighten a bit

After the surge of listings from October, we might have expected to see total listings higher by the end of November.

But it was not to be so.

Listings declined from 239,866 to 233,716, according to SQM Research, as older listings were mopped up by buyers. 

Two cities did see a modest increase in listings, though: Sydney (again), and Canberra. 

Brisbane now only has 19,305 listings, way down from over 29,000 a year earlier. 

Over the year, only Darwin saw an increase in listings, up 18 per cent. 

Everywhere else, stock is tighter ago a year ago.

Lots of auctions again this week, helping to becalm the market, with more than 6,300 scheduled.

Normally the Christmas period is quiet for property market transactions, but not this year.