Thursday 16 December 2021

Aussies beating a path to SEQ

SEQ surge

In FY2021, interstate migration to south-east Queensland surged to the highest levels since the post-Olympics exodus from Sydney 16 years ago. 

On a net basis interstate migration to Queensland soared to +30,939 in the 2021 financial year, the highest since 2005.

This time around the surge came at the expense of locked down Victoria (-18,300 over the financial year). 

Victoria also lost more than 56,000 to net overseas migration, as the 260 long days of lockdown led to an exodus. 

The natural growth in the Australian population - births minus deaths - was still +134,800 over the year, but this was partly offset by the huge number of departures from Victoria. 

Victoria has followed New South Wales in releasing restrictions since the end of the financial year, and so its popularity is certain to rebound from here. 

Overall, Queensland had the highest population growth in FY2021 of +45,900, and Victoria had the lowest at -44,700.