Tuesday 24 August 2021

Vaccine rollout hits warp speed

Vaccine willingness

There's only one Aussie news story at the moment - and a highly contentious one at that! - as the lockdowns roll on seemingly endlessly in Sydney and Melbourne. 

Viewed from Europe, where travel is now happening freely, the whole sorry saga in Australia has taken on a frankly surreal twist, with kids being cautioned and fined for meeting outdoors, protesters being pepper-sprayed or showered with pellets, and goodness knows what else.

Quite astonishing stuff, but let's try to focus on the positives today!

Australia's delayed vaccine rollout on a per capita basis has suddenly exploded into life, and is now running faster than the U.S., the UK, Germany, Italy, or France managed at their respective peaks.

And the pace is still accelerating by the day. 

On weekdays one vaccine dose is being administered every 0.3 seconds across Australia, and the daily high of 310,524 doses administered should be exceeded over the coming days. 

New South Wales is now vaccinating faster than anywhere on the planet right now, at well over ¾ million doses per week, with about 6.14 million doses administered in total at the time of writing. 

Of course, at least part of this is down to the public more willingly accepting the vaccines available, rather than anything that the government has done differently (especially in New South Wales). 

The Federal and state government responses in Australia have ranged chaotically from infuriating incompetence to global excellence, but if the next few weeks are well executed things could be looking plenty brighter by the time schools are due back in New South Wales on October 5. 

Onwards and upwards. 


The property market gets tighter still, especially in Sydney.

The market is already tight in Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, and Hobart.

Source: CoreLogic