Saturday 17 July 2021

Vaccine rollout accelerates

Operation warp-ish speed

REA Group's Cameron Kusher found a real dearth of property listings in his latest report.

Auction results held up just fine this weekend - mainly over the medium of Zoom - despite New South Wales and now Victoria being in a lockdown.

Victoria's lockdown is supposed to be for five days, but with another 20 virus cases overnight who knows how long the state's fifth lockdown might actually go for?

New South Wales recorded 111 cases yesterday, so now appears to be locking down the state indefinitely, as truckies from the western suburbs barricade the city in protest of the latest lockdown measures. 

The vaccine rollout is now finally accelerating, with 821,000 doses administered over the past five days.

There will be enough supply to fully vaccinate 80 per cent of the 16+ population by October, but the rollout will likely take longer.

Source: Justin Fabo

In any case, Australia will need a huge mindset shift away from the current panicked stance before the borders are reopened for stranded citizens abroad (as opposed to, say, the French rugby team, or Katie Hopkins for Celebrity Big Brother). 

Pencilling in Q1 next year for the narrative change.