Thursday 3 June 2021

Vacancy rates at record lows

Vacancies plunge

Vacancy rates fell everywhere in the month, and are now approaching record lows.

Melbourne's inner city has by far the highest number of rental vacancies, as well as the highest vacancy rate at 8.6 per cent. 

The city of Melbourne has now endured more than 140 days of lockdown, and the latest lockdown has been extended for another week, although there may soon be light at the end of the tunnel. 

In Sydney the highest vacancy rates were found at Parramatta (4.4 per cent) and Auburn. 

Vacancy rates are extremely tight in Adelaide, Hobart, and Darwin, where there are reports of bidding wars for rental properties in some cases.

The latest report from Domain can be found here.

SMSF release valve

Lending to self-managed super funds almost totally dried up a few years ago, with most lenders leaving the market. 

As a result, many borrowers have been stuck paying mortgage rates ranging from 5 per cent to 7 per cent or more, which is ridiculous given what most are paying on standard mortgage terms these days.

Fortunately a release valve is now finally being made available, as a few lenders have recently returned to the space. 

If you're still stuck paying over 5 per cent drop me a line and I can point you in the right direction. 


The ASX reset a record high today, with the ASX 200 up 0.6 per cent to 7,260. 

U.S. valuations have become stretched (depending on how you choose to measure valuations).


Today was the biggest to date for vaccine doses administered in Australia at more than 141,000.