Saturday 19 June 2021

Auctions revised down

Hammer time

Melbourne's final auction clearance rate was revised down to 61.7 per cent through the lockdown disruption.

The final result for Melbourne this week will also likely land somewhere in the 60s.

Another solid result for Sydney today, despite the very high number of listings:

Source: Domain

I discussed here yesterday how Victoria's population began to decline in from June 2020 onwards, as folks moved interstate to escape restrictions.

Louis Christopher of SQM Research made an interesting counterpoint, highlighting how high vacancy rates in inner-city Melbourne have begun to fall.

There could be a number of explanations for declining vacancy rates: the population may no longer be decreasing, units could be filling up in the CBD, Docklands, and city fringe due to lower advertised rents, or perhaps investors are selling up their rentals. 

Maybe it's simply a combination of factors. 

One to watch as the year progresses.