Wednesday 9 June 2021

Adelaide the 3rd most liveable city in the world

Radelaide soars

So reports the Economics Intelligence Unit, Adelaide has now eclipsed locked-down Melbourne as Australia's most liveable city.

Indeed, Adelaide now ranks as the third most liveable city in the world, thanks to its healthcare, education, and infrastructure. 

Perth is 6th in the world for similar reasons, Brisbane comes in at place number 10, while Melbourne has been relegated to joint 8th place as the city has been plunged repeatedly into a cycle of lockdowns.

Source: EIU

Look at how many of the top 10 cities are in Australia and New Zealand...the Anitpodes must be doing something right.

Rental markets in Adelaide are becoming very tight, to the extent that there are bidding wars happening for some properties.

That could prove to be a pre-cursor to a Hobart-style property boom.