Wednesday 5 May 2021

Vendors lift asking prices (SQM)

Listings absorbed

Property stock levels picked up to 41,000 in Melbourne, as more apartments came on to the market.

Overall, stock levels remained relatively tight elsewhere through April. 

Melbourne listings are 19 per cent higher than a year earlier, but nationally stock listings of 262,000 were about 10 per cent lower than the 293,000 seen at the same time last year. 

Overall aged listings have generally been absorbed, suggesting that buyer activity has been strong.

SQM noted that vendors are aggressively lifting asking prices, led by sizeable increases in Hobart and Sydney, with Brisbane and Adelaide not far behind. 

Even so, asking prices have not increased everywhere, or for all property types, so it's not quite the countrywide boom that's often implied. 

Normally we see a winter lull in listings, but that probably won't happen this year, with home appraisals continuing to track at high levels.