Wednesday 7 April 2021

Listings decline, even in March

Stock tightens

Total property listings on a national basis actually declined by 0.5 per cent in March, showing that absorption continues to outpace new listings. 

A year ago in March 2020 national listings were 307,915, but they declined over the year to March 2021 to 256,568.

Over the past year, there's been some serious declines everywhere from Brisbane to Adelaide, and from Hobart to Canberra and Darwin. 

Only Melbourne has seen a 9 per cent year-on-year increase in listings.

Melbourne's aged listings (180 days plus) have piled up towards 9,000, largely relating to units in the CBD and the city fringe, even while the wider market has been tightening. 

For reference, CoreLogic also sees listings running far below their 5-year average.

Source: CoreLogic

Overall, it remains a tight market for buyers.