Friday 12 March 2021

Vaccines working!

UK epidemic is over

The UK has vaccinated more than 23 million persons now, with another 10 million doses suddenly good to go this week. 

Testing has exploded to 1.6 million per day as schools have gone back, so there's little doubt that many virus 'positive tests' (not necessarily cases) will still be found. 

But, even still, hospital admissions are absolutely plummeting, down 88 per cent in only 54 days. 

Perhaps more importantly, serious cases on MV beds are also down 70 per cent in 45 days and are falling fast. 

The population of the UK is nearly 70 million, remember. 

There are many ways to measure how many people died within 28 days of a positive test, but all measures of deaths are collapsing fast now. 

It's notable that COVID deaths in the oldest cohorts - the first to be vaccinated - have all but dried up.

The great news is that are no excess deaths now in the UK.

Time to open up and get on with life.