Wednesday 13 January 2021

Job vacancies boom to all-time high

Job openings soar

Job vacancies boomed +23.4 per cent or +48,300 to an all-time high for the ABS series of 254,400 in the November 2020 quarter.

Victoria is understandably lagging post-lockdown, but things are looking absolutely fabulous for Western Australia and Queensland.

The south-east Queensland economy is 'on steroids' right now, certainly for housing. 

Any wage price inflation in the post? 

In short, not yet, with the unemployment rate still elevated at 6.8 per cent, although some industries (mining, real estate) have fared much better than others (tourism, aviation, higher education). 

It was certainly an unusual quarter with parts of the economy reopening, and so on.

But still there's a solid case for the unemployment rate already having peaked and falling towards 6 per cent from here. 

Australia's massive financial super-stimulus package and relatively speaking excellent control of the coronavirus is delivering some remarkable results, and an early Federal election looks to be a solid bet.