Monday 2 November 2020

Housing lending lifts market to rise

Lending surges

CoreLogic reported that housing prices rose in October, and the latest lending figures suggest there's more to come.

Investor lending rose another 5 per cent in September, but remains modest overall.

But homebuyers are driving the rebound, with owner-occupier lending rising to historical highs, excluding refinancing.

First homebuyer numbers understandably fell in Victoria, but are flying elsewhere.

In Queensland first homebuyer numbers are up 70 per cent year-on-year; in New South Wales, it's a 40 per cent increase. 

Overall first homebuyers accounted for 35 per cent of owner-occupier commitments as numbers soared beyond 13,000 to an 11-year high. 

The market is clearly still being driven by homebuyers, not investors. 

While there was a decline in homebuyer lending in Victoria, elsewhere activity has surged. 

With responsible lending obligations to be wound back, the growth in mortgage lending suggests we should expect to see double-digit gains for house prices in most capital cities over the coming 12 months.