Friday 11 September 2020

Indian students the new goldmine

Indian student surge

The latest DHA figures showed that there was a surge of student visas issued to Indian students in Australia this financial year. 

With many Chinese students unable and/or unwilling to return this year there are now more Indian students that Chinese in Australia. 

Indian student visas jumped by +14.3 per cent year-on-year, offsetting the decline from Chinese students, and taking total visa holders in Australia to a record high of 555,310.

Source: Home Affairs

Thus while student visa issuance to those outside Australia has plunged, visa grants to applicants to those in Australia has surged, to Indian students in particular. 

Many have questioned whether higher education facilities have been putting profits ahead of quality over recent years, and this sudden surge will do little to allay those fears. 

Source: Home Affairs

Since there is no cap on student visas it wouldn't be a surprise to see the surge continue in 2021.

The figures might also go some of the way to explaining why in aggregate rental vacancies have been declining since April, albeit not in the capital city centres. 

While the international borders have been only allowing 4,000 per week into Australia since July - at least officially - very few are leaving the country either. 

Last Friday, state and cabinet leaders agreed that the 4,000 per week limit on arrivals should be lifted. 

SBS reported that at least 23,000 Australians around the world are now registered with the Department of Foreign Affairs seeking to return home.