Friday 3 April 2020

New virus cases continue their decline

Curve flattens

Australia has rattled through some 70,000 Coronavirus tests over the past week, lifting our per capita testing rate to the top the tree from a global perspective.

And here's a turn-up for the books: another sharp drop in new COVID-19 cases today.

When the final numbers are in this will be the lowest number of new cases since all the way back on March 21.

Update: 222 cases in total today, which is by far the lowest result in 12 days.

The Prime Minister stressed that we're still in the 'suppression phase' and that a tight rein will be kept on social distancing and movements in society.

PM Morrison also noted that people should expect the issue to be with us for six months, and prepare that we should prepare accordingly on that basis. 

But it's been a positive week, with new known case numbers faring far better than expected.

If the same happens over the coming fortnight then there'll be a growing clamour for businesses to be allowed to re-open.

But let's not jump the gun on that. 

Stay home, stay safe, and have a great weekend!