Thursday 2 April 2020

New cases fall

New COVID-19 cases in daily decline

Australia rattled through another 9,136 tests for COVID-19 today.

And - some good news - new cases fell back to 272 as today now draws to a close. 

There have been some cases of local transmission in New South Wales and Victoria, and there's been a troubling cluster of health worker cases in the Kimberley. 

Here are the overall statistics for today:

No exponential growth yet to be seen here.

In fact, 272 cases is just about as good as we've seen in the 12 days since March 21.

There is to be no let-up in the incremental tightening of shutdown measures, however, with New South Wales now putting in place highly stringent restrictions which may yet remain in effect until the end of the financial year. 

Social distancing continues to work in Italy, Spain, and Germany, offering hope that Australia can arrest the spread of COVID-19 much sooner.

But with Florida desperately slow to react and act, and holiday-makers having travelled so freely around America, the outlook for the US now looks particularly grim.