Tuesday 12 November 2019

Welcome back, Perth

Vacancy rates

Vacancy rates recorded minor 0.1 per cent monthly decreases in Sydney, Hobart, and Adelaide in October 2019, according to SQM Research.

The tightest markets are now Hobart (0.5 per cent) and Adelaide (0.8 per cent). 

It's getting pretty tight down there now in the South Australian capital, so we can expect rents to pop higher.  

You can click on the chart below to expand it, where the vacancy rates are plotted on a 6mMA basis, not seasonally adjusted:

Sydney's vacancy rate was a bit lower again in October - it will spike again over the Xmas break as it always does - but will begin to trend lower thereafter as the pipeline of new supply finally shrinks. 

Interestingly Perth recorded another significant drop in vacancies from 2.7 per cent to 2.4 per cent.

Source: SQM Research

Melbourne was flat at 2 per cent, and Brisbane was at 2.3 per cent (trending steadily down from 2.7 per cent a year earlier).