Tuesday 3 September 2019

Property listings increase

Listings return

Property dynamics are swinging back into equilibrium, as markets tend to over time.

There was a material run-up in new listings in Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, and elsewhere in August 2019, according to SQM Research's latest figures. 

Total listings in Melbourne increased to about 37,000 in August, despite strength in buying. 

In Sydney total listings remained 15.3 per cent lower than a year earlier on stronger buyer interest.

There are comparatively few aged listings in Sydney now.

Hobart stock levels are finally rising, being up about 11 per cent year-on-year.


This cycle has underscored the difference for landlords between supply-constrained markets and those where the supply is more responsive.

The Hills District of Sydney will have a glut of stock to be worked through in 2020, for example.

On the other hand established property listings barely increased through the downturn on Sydney's lower north shore, so pressure is likely to be hotting up there now, especially with so little quality stock on the market.