Tuesday 3 September 2019

Master Your Money (free online event)

Master Your Money

Excellent series coming up in six days time - Master Your Money and Accelerate Your Business - hereby introducing your host,  Josh Blakely.

Josh has discovered that both an entrepreneurial and a financially secure mindset can be key to living a happy life. 

I was delighted to be one of the contributors to the show, alongside a range of business owners and entrepreneurs sharing their secrets to success. 

Here’s some of what’s going to be covered in the video interviews:
  • How to take control of your experiences with money to transform your financial world
  • How to set yourself up for business and personal lending
  • How to accumulate wealth and then turn that into income generation
  • How to take control of your finances by understanding what really drives you
  • How our personality types affect how we build wealth and how to stop your personality self-sabotaging yourself
  • Why everyone needs a real estate strategy - even if you are renting
  • How to effectively identify your money values and use this to accelerate your business
Josh decided to take on a research project to learn the approaches other successful business owners, wealth creators, and money experts are using to accelerate their businesses and master their financial world. 

This research project has turned into an interview series connecting with a host of experts who are making an impact in the world.

As a blog reader, you can grab your free ticket HERE (or click on the image below). 
