Saturday 17 August 2019


Auctions lift

The most timely and reliable indicators are pointing to double digit gains in the Sydney housing markets, with Melbourne generally looking set for a steadier improvement. 

Source: Fabo, Macquarie Bank

Sydney recorded a fresh high on preliminary auction clearance rates this week with a significant lift in the median sold price to $1,230,000, while the results for Melbourne looked more like a consolidation according to Domain's numbers.

Mind you, CoreLogic's figures were strong in Melbourne too, and well above 80 per cent for Sydney.

Source: CoreLogic

Arrears mixed

Mortgage arrears declined for a consecutive month in June 2019, slipping by 1 basis point to 1.51 per cent, according to S&P's Prime SPIN index.

A year earlier arrears were 13 basis points lower at 1.38 per cent, so although S&P has previously declared that the deterioration has 'dissipated', the uptrend hasn't yet been broken.

Investor arrears ticked down to 1.47 per cent, while owner-occupier arrears were a tick higher at 1.74 per cent.

Arrears were a little higher in Western Australia, and generally benign elsewhere, with a recent improvement in Queensland.

ANZ reported higher arrears in its June 2019 quarter disclosures this week, with 90 plus day delinquencies up by 14 basis points to 114 basis points.

Source: ASX