Monday 12 August 2019

AFG up 164pc since Royal Commission

AFG booms

Sad to say I didn't capture all of this, but AFG's announcement of a merger with Connective saw the share price jump another 9 per cent this morning, all the way up to $2.22. 

In early February 2019 the Royal Commission's final report proposed prohibiting trail commissions for mortgage brokers.

And with the Labor Party pledging to support the commission's findings before they'd even seen them the share price of Australian Finance Group (ASX: AFG) slumped as low as $0.84. 

Source: ASX 

As I mused at Martin Place on the day of the Royal Commission announcement it was never going to be easy to push through such a reform, and then Labor endured a rout at the polls anyway. 

Since the election the housing market has rebounded with gusto, sending the AFG share price rocketing 164 per cent higher since the nadir.