Wednesday 12 June 2019

Arrivals rolling over

Immigration high but slowing?

Tourism to Australia slowed in April, driven by weaker Chinese visitor numbers.

Permanent and long term arrivals also softened a little in April.

Over the year to April 2019 the there were 843,950 permanent and long-term arrivals into Australia.

That's still 5½ per cent higher than a year earlier, but the annual result was a bit lower than in March. 

Still, it's worth looking at the above chart when people are writing yarns about ghost towers and empty to apartments.

Arrivals into Australia have never been as high as they've been lately in modern history, and while there are still some apartments completing in places like Carlingford in Sydney, it's not like they'll be empty for long. 

Short-term arrivals rollover

Annual short-term eucation arrivals are also 5½ per cent higher than a year earlier, at just over 600,000. 

But they slowed in April too.

Still enormous numbers, but perhaps we're through the peak of headcount growth for the time being.