Tuesday 12 March 2019

Somerset Festival 2019

Storyfest, March 2019

I'll be speaking at the Somerset Storyfest later in the month, on the subject of financial literacy for the young.

Storyfest has been a huge event for Queensland since 1994. 

In 2018 more than 21,000 tickets were sold over the course of the event, including children from 50 schools around the state.

My new book Wealth Ways for the Young from Wilkinson Publishing covers the key themes and challenges facing youngsters today in terms of their studying, choice of career, personal finances, and much more.

The first chapter of the book lays out in simple bullet point style the 20 things that youngsters can do to ensure that they are financially better off than 99 per cent of their peers.

Some of them are obvious - like eschewing consumer debt and being financially responsible online - and some are far less obvious. 

Check out the event details here...and spread the word!

It's a terrific event - see you there!