Friday 24 February 2023

Net migration +400,000 in 2022 (more to come)

Record immigration

Westpac calculated that net immigration was a record high +400,000 last year, with another +350,000 to come in 2023, to add to the natural growth in Australia's population.

That equates to a record reopening boom, reports Westpac. 

Source: Westpac

Net visitor arrivals exploded to a record high late last year. 

Some commentary had predicted - for reasons that were never quite articulated? - that international students would never come back to Australia.

In any case, they are...and in record numbers. 

Source: Westpac

Overall, 2022 and 2023 will see the biggest population growth on record. 


ABC News reported today that more Australians that ever are living in tents, caravans, and cars, as the rental crisis gathers pace, and rental vacancy rates hit record lows. 

As discussed previously, lending settings need to see the handbrake removed from prospective landlords, as assessments rates are too high and the net rental supply continues to diminish. 

200 basis points buffer would be ideal but 250bps would be a start.

Source: Effie Zahos, Canstar/Today Show