Friday 16 December 2022

Students want to come to Aus

Destination Australia

It's been a tough couple of years for Australia and New Zealand, as we now count the cost of border closures and lockdowns, but it seems there has been no damage to the brand. 

Australia is still seen to a safe and attractive destination, including by international students.

Hong Kong is now suffering a brain drain, as professionals and students no longer want to be there.

Australia had dropped off the radar for international students when the borders closed, but now has come roaring back to sit alongside the UK and Canada as a top preferred destination.

"After two years of trailing behind due to closed borders, Australia – on the back of a sustained post-reopening momentum – has finally broken through and joins the UK and Canada on stage in this round, with 80%+ of respondents reporting increased interest across all three destinations."

Source: Navitas

Commented Navitas:

“Closed borders are a distant memory and interest in Australia and New Zealand has largely returned to pre-pandemic levels. 

This is further evidenced by historically high student visa application data across the last quarter – at a normally quieter time of the calendar year. 

With a sustained focus from providers on student well-being, innovative teaching and learning models, a new Federal Government and an increasingly competitive post-study work offer – there is every reason for optimism for Australia as we head into 2023”.

This is one of the reasons I expect to see record high population growth in 2023.

With the cap on working hours now lifted, this will go a long way to easing capacity constraints in the labour force, and quickly.

In fact, we've probably passed the cycle lows for the unemployment rate now. 

For all of the challenges we have faced in Australia, it's still right up there as a top destination of preference.

You can read the full Navitas report here.