Wednesday 6 July 2022

Property listings down again in June

Listings still low

No signs of a glut in property listings yet. 

Quite the opposite, in fact, with listings down another -1 per cent in June, to be -6.2 per cent lower over the year.

The monthly decline in total listings was driven by Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth.

Only Hobart has seen listings rise significantly from their lows.

After a multi-year boom, listings are 33 per cent higher than a year earlier in the Tasmanian capital, as vendors finally look to cash in their profits. 

CoreLogic sees total listings still tracking -27 per cent below their 5-year average.

Source: CoreLogic

Overall new listings were down in June, driven by major declines in Sydney and Melbourne, so there is no sign of a rush for the exits. 

Detailed press release from SQM Research is here.