Monday 6 June 2022

Listings fell in May; stock still tight

SQM reports listings decline

Total property listings fell -2.2 per cent in May, to be 9 per cent lower than a year earlier at 223,859.

There were monthly declines in every capital city, according to SQM Research's latest figures:

Year-on-year there were large declines in Brisbane (-22 per cent), Adelaide (-22 per cent), and Canberra (-18 per cent). 

Overall, stock is still tight, then. 

Perhaps there was some impact from election disruption, and stock levels must surely rise from this exceptionally low levels (even though it is now winter, which is not traditionally the time to list property for sale). 

There probably won't be too many forced sellers around, though, with the unemployment rate at 50-year lows and job vacancies at record highs.