Wednesday 22 June 2022

Job ads cresting

Job vacancies peaking

There's a job for everyone who wants one right now, with skilled job vacancies soaring to their highest level since records began in 2006 at 298,400 in May, according to the Australian's Government's National Skills Commission. 

All states and territories recorded a monthly increase, but the growth in advertisements was mainly driven by Western Australia (+1,300) and Tasmania (+430) this month.

Elsewhere it appears that the growth in job vacancies is finally running out of puff.

Particularly in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland, it seems likely that May could have been the peak for skilled vacancies. 

75 per cent of recruitment activity has remained focussed in the capital cities, despite a doubling of job vacancies in regional Australia since from their pre-COVID levels (capital city advertisements are also up by 67 per cent). 

The impacts of this are easy enough to see in regional Australia, sand there are still plenty of shortages in evidence, leading to shop closures, airline delays, and other capacity constraints in the economy.