Wednesday 20 October 2021

Sydney to benefit from reopening boost

Reopening boon

There has been some decent virus news in Sydney over recent weeks, with cases in hospital plunging.

While many uncertainties remain, todays job vacancies figures reported things on the up again for New South Wales as local businesses began to anticipate the reopening with more enthusiasm. 

Although we've possibly already seen the cyclical peak in job advertisements, the seasonally adjusted result of an increase to 229,000 in October was another strong result. 

Job advertisements increased by 10,400 in Sydney over the past month, to be 24 per cent higher than they were pre-COVID.

Queensland, South Australia, and Tassie all have job vacancies far and away higher than they were before the virus struck.

Victoria saw a modest setback only this month, despite yet another month spent in lockdown. 

Looked at graphically, the pre-COVID comparisons are particularly stark!

Source: David Scutt, on The Twitter

We explored the reopening dynamic for Sydney in a bit more detail here (or click on the image below):

Also keep an eye out for our Where to Buy reporting tool, due for launch imminently, as well as our Investor Special Report for 2021-2.