Tuesday 21 September 2021

End of the tunnel

Second wind

It may feel right now as though the lockdown and border closures pains will never end, but the good news is that Australia's vaccine rollout is gathering pace again.

2,034,000 doses have been administered over the past week, taking the total to date to well beyond 25 million doses in real time. 

And the pace is picking up to an impressive rate...

New South Wales is now at 9.2 million doses administered, with 84 per cent of adults (those aged 16 plus) having received a first dose. 

At the current pace 80 per cent will be double-dosed in New South Wales within a month, by around October 18.

Victoria is still about seven weeks away from that milestone, but the pace has suddenly picked up there too. 

The supply issue has now been pretty much righted, so the pace of the vaccine rollout is unlikely to slow down from here until hesitancy kicks in.