Friday 30 October 2020

Job ads at 90pc of pre-COVID levels

Jobs are resurgent

After an interesting week for SEEK, it's surely a relief to get back to the statistics, and job ads are now back up to 90 per cent of their solid pre-COVID levels. 

In many respects, this a remarkable result. 

Indeed, in Western Australia, Queensland, the NT, and the two southern states, job ads are now higher year-on-year as the stimulus and China's rebound has boosted the resources sector.

Pulling in the other direction, on the hand, the woes for Victoria have continued through October, suggesting that at least a quarter of a million jobs have been lost in the state, and with fewer opportunities for re-employment.

Until this year Victoria had been the state pulling in migrants from interstate, but this is no longer likely to be the case, with Sydney now emerging as Australia's tech capital and south-east Queensland comfortably winning the lifestyle drawcard.

If Western Australia's mini-boom continues it may not be long before Aussies are crossing the Nullabor again in a westerly direction.

Here are the stats broken down by state, showing the rebounding trend over the past four weeks:

Source: SEEK

Good to see.